General Comment No. 7

Indicator Set 4: Data Collection Systems

General Comment No. 7 (para. 39) emphasises the need for relevant data on early childhood in the implementation strategies of States parties and in fulfilment of their reporting obligations under article 44 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Governments are required, under CRC article 4, to allocate resources for the collection of adequate qualitative and quantitative data that will allow the assessment of rights implementation in early childhood. Data collection systems must include information that evaluates all programmes and services delivered to young children, to find out how effective they are and what impact they are having. Responses to this indicator are therefore intended to address two issues. First, they are meant to assess the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data related to rights implementation in early childhood:

  • Is such data being collected?
  • What quality of data is being collected?
  • Is the data being analysed and how?

Note that this data might be collected by the State party or through using indicator systems such as Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Demographic Health Survey (DHS), the Early Development Instrument (EDI) or another appropriate system. Second, responses to this indicator aim to promote the development of good-quality holistic research into cognitive, social and emotional development of young children. They also promote the capacity to conduct such research. The research methods promoted by these indicators both elaborate and support the realisation of the rights of the young child, and they describe in particular the needs of marginalised groups of young children.

Key Question: With respect to articles 4 and 44 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, what resources and measures are in place to ensure that your government develops and implements suitable data collection systems that can provide disaggregated analysis on the impact of services on the development of all young children across social groups? What resources and measures are in place to promote and support good-quality multidisciplinary research on issues affecting the development of these young children?