
Since 2006 the Committee on the Rights of the Child has been following the activities of your group [General Comment 7 Group], which strongly contributed to the dissemination of the Committee's General Comment No. 7 on "The implementation of child rights in early childhood"[...]. The Committee welcomes these ongoing initiatives, which are supported by many organizations involved in early childhood matters [...], and invites the GC 7 Indicator Group to present a new report to the Committee in order to inform the Committee about the results of the Chile pilot study.

Yanghee Lee, Chairperson
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Excerpt from a letter of support dated April 12, 2011 from Dr. Yanghee Lee, Chairperson, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to the GC7 Indicators Group

In 2005, General Comment No. 7 was issued by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in response to its observation that young children, under the age of eight, were essentially and often entirely overlooked in State parties' periodic reports submitted to the UNCRC.

The GC7 Indicators are based on the rights of children as they are enshrined in the Convention. They are monitoring tools that are essential to the realisation of rights in early childhood. Governments can use these indicators to get a clearer picture of the situation, to make better policy choices, to identify rights violations and good practices, and to make adjustments to policies, programmes and projects to address rights violations or scale up good practices. Used with benchmarks or goals, they are powerful statements that help to monitor state obligations subject to progressive realisation of rights in early childhood.

Please reference the menu on the left side of this website to learn more about the UNCRC and the General Comment No. 7 Indicators. You will also find instructions on how to fill out the Indicators report in the menu.

The letters of support from different Chairs of the UN CRC at different stages of this work, to date, is compiled on the site of GlobalChild Program under A Decade of Support.