General Comment No. 7

Indicator Set 3: Human Rights Training

General Comment No. 7 (para. 41) refers in particular to the need for human rights training that is targeted at the following groups:

  • All relevant professional groups (for example, in health, education and social welfare)
  • Parents and caregivers
  • Members of the general public

With regard to human rights training, GC7 reminds States parties of their obligation under article 42 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to take active steps to ensure that the “principles and provisions of the Convention” are made widely known. In addition, State efforts, programmes and resources, both human and financial, are essential in order to fulfill the obligations under article 4 of the CRC. For example States parties must provide professional training, schools, further education and parenting information. States parties are required to (1) identify systematic measures taken to promote the rights of young children in policy and practice, and (2) evaluate how effective these measures are. Human rights training as an indicator is primarily proposed in response to GC7 para. 41 and articles 4 and 42 of the CRC. Human rights training as an indicator aims to provide specifics beyond a “general awareness” of human rights and thereby further a particularly vital aspect of the Positive Agenda requested by GC7 para. 5.

Key Question: With respect to articles 4 and 42 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, what resources have been allocated to the development, delivery and impact assessment of specifically targeted good-quality human rights training through professional organisations, educational institutions, parenting information, or other organisations and media?